Traktor Pro 2 How To Make Library Maximized Bigger

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May 17, 2012  Mike (DJ Endo) just posted this on his FB, covers a lot of stuff that keeps being asked again and again so, if you have a Traktor related question/issue, try this first.:) Source: Traktor Pro Preferences Guide – Troubleshooting + Setup Tips by Dubspot’s DJ Endo Part 1 This week Dubspot Digital DJ instructor DJ Endo breaks down everything you ever wanted to know. With the new Kontrol D2 hitting shops in the UK and stores elsewhere around the world, with it comes a new version of Traktor. But Traktor Pro 2.8 comes with more than just D2 compatibility, and brings with it two very important additions — Rane MP2015 mixer certification and Pioneer CDJ-900nxs and XDJ-1000 support.

  1. Traktor Pro 2 How To Make Library Maximized Bigger People
  2. Traktor Pro 2 How To Make Library Maximized Bigger People
  3. Traktor Pro 2 How To Make Library Maximized Bigger Screen

This page covers window sizing with sketches as well as fullscreen mode. In Processing 3, there are many improvements and changesto how full screen is handled, as well as improved multiple monitorsupport.

Making Sketches Resizable

This section only pertains to the desktop version of Processing (notJavaScript or Android), because it's the only one to use windows andframes.

It's possible to make the sketch window resizable. To do this, use thefollowing:

This is not enabled by default because most sketches won't behave well when resized.

You can also change the size of the window using the method surface.setSize(w, h). The size change is not instantaneous — it cannot resize the display while in the middle of drawing to it. If you call setSize() inside setup(), the first point at which you'll have the correct size is when draw() runs.

Running at Full Screen

With Processing 3.0, use the fullScreen() method to run at full screen. This will create a sketch the size of your entire display. If you just want to sketch the same size and blank the rest of the screen, use Sketch → Present.

Display at full screen

The fullScreen() function should always be the first line in setup() or (if running in another IDE) it should appear inside of the settings() function. If the computer has one screen, the software will open on that screen. If the computer has more than one screen, the software will appear on the screen specified in the “Run sketches on display” option in Preferences (see below). These two examples show how it works:

Use this version when running from another IDE like Eclipse or IntelliJ:

See the fullScreen() and settings() reference for more information.

In Ubuntu Linux under the default “Unity” desktop environment, it's oftennot possible to cover the screen completely with your Processing sketch.You can use a second desktop environment which does full screen just fine.Your mileage will vary as you use different renderers. As of this writing, FX2D will properly do full screen mode, however the default renderer will not.

Traktor Pro 2 How To Make Library Maximized Bigger People

Using Multiple Monitors

A lot of effort has gone into fixing up support for multiple displays in 2.0 and 3.0.

Traktor Pro 2 How To Make Library Maximized Bigger People

By default, a full screen application doesn't cover multiple displays.This is often the preferred solution (for instance, when coding on onemonitor and displaying on another). In some cases (usually involvingOpenGL), using a single sketch across multiple displays may cause it torun more slowly. This depends on the graphics card, drivers, etc. and isout of our control.

Traktor Pro 2 How To Make Library Maximized Bigger Screen

Full screen on any display

The fullScreen() function has parameters to define on which screen to runthe software and to span the software across multiple displays as acontinuous surface. For example, to display full screen on the second display,use this code:

Running a sketch across multiple displays

If you want to use multiple monitors as a continuous window, usefullScreen() and use SPAN as the parameter instead of the numberof an individual screen.

See the fullScreen() reference for more information.

“Run sketches on display” option in Preferences

The 'Run sketches on display' option in the Preferences windowsets the display where sketches are initially placed. As usual, if the sketchwindow is moved, it will re-open at the same location, however whenrunning in full screen mode through Sketch → Present, the displayselected here will always be used.

When exporting an application, that display preference will be savedinto the exported application.

  • This topic has 6 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 5 months ago by .
  • Hi all.

    Im hoping someone can help me. Im new to this digital djing lark, specifically the software. I use an S2 and Traktor Pro 2.6

    Im having serious problems sorting the autogains out.

    All i want is to set up Traktor so i can mix a set, with a headroom of say -3db so i get no clipping, and to have each song at the same volume without having to manually mess with the totalgain knobs on the S2 as these values are moving all over the place.

    In the prefs i set autogain on for each new loaded track, and in the track layout i have the “total db” showing for each track as i load them, but they started off at say -2.6 db and then went totally random, one even went as low as -9db – even though in my headphones they sounded roughly the same volume.

    Could someone please explain to me, as if i were a 2 year old (:P) I just want it simple, same volume throught mix, no clipping, but as loud when i play the mix back on my ipod as any other podcast/mix sounds.



    I use Traktor too and one thing I’ve read in some blogs and forums was ”don’t trust Traktor Auto-Gain”, so I never use it.

    But what I could say to you it’s that if in your headphones the tracks sound the same, than it’s because probably everything it’s working fine, trust your ears first.

    There are a couple of software out there that can help you normalize the gain of you’re tracks (by normalizing I mean setting the tracks at the same volume), some of them have already been mentioned in the blog, MP3 Gain it’s one of them, but I’ve haven’t tried yet.

    That is the auto gain. Autogain does not mean that every track db is the same on your screen. It means that Traktor adjust the volume (the dB) of each track, so that they are all at the same level.

    For instance the first track you play traktor sets the gain at – 0.5 If the second track is louder then the first track Trakor sets the gain on that track at let’s say -1.0 so it’s matches the volume of the first track. So the reason the gain settings seems random is because lots of different tracks have lots of different volumes.

    If you want your mix too be not too loud, the best thing too do is to turn down the main volume. So your recording is not too loud. From there on you can turn up the volume of the complete mix. You can do this in audacity or with MP3 gain programs. But I think you can learn all those things in the upcoming mixtape pro formula course. Best thing to do is to not record too loud. because once it is distorted it is nearly impossible to fix.

    I also would encourage you to learn to manually set the gain of each track. You don’t have to learn it right away. But I think it is good to have that skill. It is not really hard to learn but it let’s you listen closely to your music. And if you one day play on set up without Traktor ( CDJ’s maybe ) you know what to do.

    Cheers for the replies guys,

    So i get that the db showing can be random, depending on the recorded volume etc.

    So technically if i have autogain on in prefs, once ive loaded a song, the 2nd, 3rd tracks etc should all be matched “volume-wise” yes? I shouldnt have to touch the individual track gains on the S2?

    This is what im thinking “should” happen, but some of the tunes are very very different in volume, even with autogain enabled. Also when 1 is miles out of the red on the VU the next sometimes flies into the red straight away?

    Or is this what Ruben was talking about with not trusting Traktor to autogain for u? 😛



    “So technically if i have autogain on in prefs, once ive loaded a song, the 2nd, 3rd tracks etc should all be matched “volume-wise” yes? I shouldnt have to touch the individual track gains on the S2?”

    (Sorry I don’t know how to use a quote 😀 )

    That’s right. But I find Traktor autogain highly unreliable, for the very same reasons you mentioned. So that is why I set the gains myself. But I started DJ ing with vinyl. So I am kinda used to it. I really think the best method is to use a combination of your ears and the vu meters, which your S2 has.


    Traktor pro 3 osx. So now i understand! Thats m8 lol.

    I thought it was me messing with the gains that was causing this issue, perhaps its just Traktor doing it wrong for me sometimes 😛

    Yea i started years ago with vinyl too so im used to just using my ears and adjusting gain as i was beatmatching in my ears. Its this new software stuff thats completely new to me 😛 I just assumed it would and SHOULD do all that for me now 😛

    Cheers again!

    Personally, I don’t do autogain. I stem from the stone age where, if you were lucky, you’d have volume meters per channel and gain knobs. More often than not it was just channel faders and your ears (which are worth peanuts when it comes to volume levels).

    Once gain knobs and meters became commonplace, I got into the habit of setting gain for EVERY track I load. It never seemed worthwile to unlearn that skill to go autogain. Especially if you use various equipment and play out on house systems at venues where you can’t use your laptop for instance (like CDJ-environments). In my mobile setup I will use iPhone from time to time (I don’t have an internet connection active on my DJ laptop and will use the download from iTunes on my iPhone if there is something I feel I must use that instant) and even occasionally some old-fashioned vinyl and/or CDs.

    All of those don’t work with autogain. This way I never get caught off-guard.

    Personal taste, I am sure, but I’ll do it myself.



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